With offices located in some of the world’s most important financial centers, our Illinois debt relief lawyers represent a number of major U.S. and non-U.S. banks and their affiliates, as well as borrowers, in secured and unsecured credit arrangements and other financial transactions. This area of our practice includes a substantial amount of advice to financial institutions, developers and institutional investors in the financing and development of real estate and related facilities. For example, we have represented a Latin American telecommunications services provider in negotiating and drawing under a U.S.$800 million bridge loan facility, as well as a Latin American electricity distribution company in connection with the creation of a U.S.$210 million revolving credit facility and a U.S.$100 million syndicated bridge loan. We served as counsel to a U.S. real estate development company in connection with the financing and leasing of a large enclosed shopping mall near Toronto. Another client was the agent for a syndicate of international banks in the restructuring of U.S.$80 million of secured indebtedness related to a Brazilian mining operation owned by a U.S./German international joint venture. We advised a Japanese lender in the restructuring of a U.S.$730 million loan to a U.S. airline by conversion to a preferred income instrument secured by Tokyo real estate. Our lawyers have represented a French bank in connection with its real estate financing activities in the U.S. We also counseled the lender group to an insolvent Canadian mutual insurance company in connection with the restructuring of that company’s policyholder obligations.